Welcome to The Experimental Humanities Collaborative Network

Environ-mental: A Podcast Series


The challenges posed by global warming are no longer distant problems striking only the ones living already in poor conditions. Now, as its struggles are appearing in most of our lives in various forms, regardless where and how we live, it is crucial to share our knowledge, show what we have accomplished so far, and work together. Environ-mental is a podcast series sharing already existing knowledge and fostering further discussion through its episodes. The series focuses on questions individuals face, offering existing knowledge and experimental endeavors to successfully change our thinking, a crucial step in handling the greater crisis. Ideally, the stories told in the Environ-mental podcasts and their direct style will motivate more people to take action on their own and spread the knowledge to others. By the encouragement of individuals, Environ-mental hopes to become a link in the chain of local, environmentally conscious actions.

Project leader: Miksa Gáspár, Humanities, the Arts, and Social Thought (HAST) student, Bard College Berlin

Project supervisor: Faiza zu Lynar, Bard Colleg Berlin Civic Engagement Office